The JETS programme certifies trainees to undertake common endoscopic procedures and hosts approved training courses
- I am unable to log in to JETS/ JETS Workforce/ NED
- How do I reset my JETS password?
- What is the JETS ePortfolio?
- How do I create an account on the JETS website?
- How do I add my work details and start logging procedures on JETS?
- I have all of my data on paper - do I have to put this on JETS?
Guidance for Training Academies
JETS Certification (Guidance for Trainees and Certification) and ePortfolio
- Why can’t I add my DOPS (summative/formative) or DOPyS?
- How do I add a reflection? What if I transitioned from the old certification pathways?
- Why is the KPI data on my certification page falling?
- I can't see my certification grid and/or log DOPS - how do I get access?
- How do I check if I am eligible to remain on the previous version of the paediatric diagnostic colonoscopy pathway?
- Why can't I access the new paediatric diagnostic colonoscopy pathway?
Certification Pathways
- What are the criteria for completing summative DOPS?
- I have paid my certification fee. How long until I am certified?
- How do I check the status of my application/why is my application status not progressing?
- What should I do if there aren't 2 assessors at my organisation to assess my summative DOPS?
- I have submitted my application to the training lead but it hasn't been approved yet, what do I do now?
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Certification Application Criteria and Process
Independent Endoscopists and Overseas Training
- I am an independent endoscopist. Am I eligible for JAG certification/do I need JAG certification?
- Do you have any guidance on endoscopy training experience acquired outside the UK?
- I am an independent endoscopist but did not get JAG certification before becoming independent. How can I demonstrate that I am competent when I apply for a new job?
- I have started my endoscopy training in another country and I am not yet independent; how can I achieve JAG certification?
- Can I log DOPS and procedures when I am based overseas?
Training Courses (Guidance for Trainees)
- Where can I find my certificate for a course I attended?
- How do I know if my JETS course is confirmed?
- Is the basic skills course derogation process available?
- I am waiting to pay for a course I will attend but haven't heard anything.
- I have applied for a course. How do I book onto another course?
- Why can I not book onto a course?