You can check the status of your certification application from the ‘certification dashboard’ on your JETS account.
This can be located by selecting ‘certification’ under the ‘endoscopist’ dropdown in your actions menu:
The resulting page will show your ‘certification dashboard’. From this page, you will be able to navigate to the pathway/modality that you r query is in reference to. The ‘current status’ section will show where you are in your application process:
What the statuses mean:
- ‘Application not started’ – you have not yet added a summative DOPS form for this modality. Once 1 DOPS form is added, your status will be at the next stage
- ‘Summative assessment started’ – You have added at least 1 summative assessment form, but you have not yet completed your assessment. This can mean that your DOPS have not yet been signed off by the assessor on the specific form. Please note that assessor sign off is also restricted to the 1-month time frame that is enforced for summative DOPS.
- ‘Summative assessment complete’ – when all DOPS have been completed and signed off, but the application has not yet been sent to the training lead.
- ‘Summative assessment failed’ – 1 or more items within the Summative DOPS were not marked as ‘achieved’. The summative DOPS must be started from scratch (provided all KPIs/criteria are still met) in this case.
- ‘Sent to training lead’ – the summative DOPS were achieved within the timeframe, but the training lead has not yet signed off on the application/candidate on JETS. Only the training lead can action the sign off, but the candidate can forward the application to an alternative training lead at their Trust if there are issues with the original selection (eg selected in error, original selection on annual leave/doesn’t have access to JETS).
- ‘Sent to JAG office – awaiting payment’ – training lead has signed off on the application, but payment has not yet been sent. A payment reminder will appear on the candidate’s dashboard at this stage:
The payment screen is accessed either through this reminder’s ‘go’ on the dashboard, or through clicking ‘continue application’ in the certification page: - ‘Sent to JAG office – payment received’ – Payment has been provided and the JAG office needs to process the application before forwarding to the assessor.
- ‘Sent to JAG assessor’ – The application has been processed and sent to the assessor. Assessors generally give replies to certification applications within 2 weeks of their application being sent to the assessor, not from date of application. This may be extended in more complex circumstances, or when further information is required.
- ‘JAG assessor – info request’ – The assessor assigned to your application required further information before reaching an outcome. Comments should be visible by selecting ‘continue application’. The resulting page should have any comments, if these were provided. If you cannot view the comments/need any help, please email the JAG office for further information (
- ‘Certification declined’ – the application has been declined for certification, and the candidate has not been awarded JAG certification in this modality. The candidate’s KPIs will unfreeze and, should they wish to re-apply in future, they will need to meet all criteria/KPIs once again before completing the summative DOPS assessment from the start.
- ‘Certificate granted’ – the application has been approved by the assessor and certificate granted.