JETS Certification (Guidance for Trainees and Certification) and ePortfolio
This section provides guidance on working through your ePortfolio and JETS certification grid, including queries on KPIs.
- Why can’t I add my DOPS (summative/formative) or DOPyS?
- How do I add a reflection? What if I transitioned from the old certification pathways?
- Why is the KPI data on my certification page falling?
- I can't see my certification grid and/or log DOPS - how do I get access?
- How do I check if I am eligible to remain on the previous version of the paediatric diagnostic colonoscopy pathway?
- Why can't I access the new paediatric diagnostic colonoscopy pathway?
- How do I delete/edit one of my lists?:
- What is the difference between the "caecal intubation" and the "unassisted (physically)" KPIs?
- How do I record and run lists for JETS?
- If I reach the terminal ileum, does this count towards my caecal intubation rate?
- What does 'physically assisted' mean in terms of my KPIs?