To obtain your course certificate, you will need to complete feedback on the course via JETS Workforce.
Please note that - even after obtaining your course certificate - you will not be marked as having completed ENDO1/ENDO3 until both your e-learning and your course certificates are uploaded on your JETS Workforce portfolio. You must ensure that your e-learning certificate is uploaded prior to attending the course.
How do I complete my feedback?
Once you have logged into JETS Workforce, hover over 'My JAG' on the top-right hand side of the website to open the 'My Assessments' page. From here, click on the 'ENDO Courses' tab (highlighted in yellow).
Shortly after your course has ended, you should find your course booking appear under the 'Course History' section - with the option to "Complete Feedback" (the green button circled in blue below). Please click this and follow the instructions.
You will need to provide feedback for both faculty members as well as the course in order to obtain your certificate. Once these have been completed, your certificate will generate automatically, and you will have the option to view/download your certificate on the 'ENDO courses' tab.
How do I download my course certificate?
Once the feedback is completed, your certificate will automatically appear on the 'ENDO courses' tab. You can click 'View certificate' to download it.
I cannot complete my feedback and/or have not been able to generate my certificate
The option to add feedback is locked after a certain amount of time passes from the course date. If the option to complete your feedback is not working, please contact the JAG office for assistance by clicking here.