The BSG have advised that standard infection control and decontamination measures are sufficient, and extra measures are not required. This is inline with PHE guidance.
Decontamination staff should follow ‘best practice’ described in the relevant health technical memorandums (HTMs). This includes:
- Decontaminating instruments fully immediately after use.
- Clear separation of clean and dirty areas and staff within areas.
- Wearing PPE as per HTMs (long sleeved gowns, gloves and visors). Masks are not required, unless staff are collecting instruments from the procedure room. A surgical mask should then be worn, inline with latest PHE guidance.
- Brushing scopes under water using correct concentration of detergent and meticulous cleaning of all surfaces between scopes. Detergent will effectively remove the virus from the instrument.
- Closely observing rules regarding not touching the face and hand washing.
Appropriate PPE should be worn during the initial bedside clean within the procedure room (this is because staff are within a potentially infected area, rather than the instrument being a risk).
Services should also comply with any additional organisational infection prevention guidelines including safe disposal of potentially infected materials or accessories, and risk assess any areas of concern.