Staff Overview
To add staff members to your unit on JETS Workforce, you will first need the role of 'Unit Manager' on your account. If you are a unit manager and you do not have this level of access, please contact us to request this.
As a Unit Manager you will have access to the 'Staff Overview' page in the image below. This page will allow you to review and modify a user's roles, check the status of their competencies, and whether they have completed ENDO courses (please note that a staff member needs to both attend an ENDO course and upload their e-learning certificates to display as having completed).
To access the 'Staff Overview' page, please hover over the 'My JAG' button on the top-right of the website, and click 'Unit Manager'.
Adding staff to my unit
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Here, you will find a blue box where you can input the details of the staff member you wish to add to your unit.
To add a new staff member, you will need either their registration code (if they have a registering body, e.g., NMC Pin), and/or the email address they registered to JETS Workforce with. Once you have inputted the staff member's details, you will be able to follow the instructions to select the correct user and assign them their roles.
Please note that all staff members need to be assigned a role to access the JETS Workforce system. The standard role is 'Workforce Staff Member'.
Please also note that it is a staff member's responsibility to nominate their supervisors and assessors. This cannot be done by the Unit Manager or the JAG team. If staff members don’t complete this step, their unit manager and other supervisors/assessors will not be able to view their work.
I cannot find the staff member I am looking for
If it is not possible to find the staff member in the 'Add new user to unit' function, it is possible that they do not have a JETS Workforce account. Please confirm with them whether this is the case. They may wish to consult our FAQ on how to register on JETS Workforce. Please note that, after a certain period of inactivity, users' accounts are automatically deactivated; if the user had an account in the past which they are now unable to access, they will need to contact us to reactivate their account, providing their details.