ERCP and EUS procedures uploaded via NED (National Endoscopy Database) require further details completing before they will count towards your certification KPI's.
These procedures are highlighted in your lists, and on the 'All procedures' screen on your portfolio, by the message "You need to add JETS mandatory fields to this NED imported procedure before it will count towards your KPI's. Procedure will be locked for editing 6 months after the performed date"
To fill in the mandatory section which will complete the procedure form, click "View" next to the procedure which will open the procedure entry form. Complete the section currently blank
Once completed in full, save and close the procedure entry form. Provided all missing data has been entered, the procedure should count towards your KPIs following the overnight data refresh.
Note: Achieved photo documentation must be signed off by the trainer for the relevant EUS procedure before this case counts towards any EUS KPI.’