Please ensure you are using the correct username when attempting to log in. It could be one of the options below but your email address will also work as a username. Your registered email address could be your work or personal email.
Your username is usually your registration number, such as GMC or NMC number. If you do not have a professional body code, it will be defaulted to your email address. Your registered email address could be your work or personal email.
JETS Workforce
Your username is usually your registration number, such as your NMC number, HCPC number or one of the following:
Role | Registration number |
Health care assistant | HCA-Surname-Initials |
Decontamination technician | DeconTech-Surname-Initials |
Assistant practitioner | AP-Surname-Initials |
If you do not have a professional body code, your username will be defaulted to your email address. Your registered email address could be your work or personal email.
Password reset
- Click 'login' at the top right hand side of the JETS, JETS Workforce or NED website.
- Select 'Forgot your password?'
- Entered the email address linked to your account
- Receive a code to your email inbox and enter when prompted
- Enter new password
You will only receive a code if the email address entered matches that on your account. Your registered email address could be your work or personal email.
Your password should include the following:
- At least 8 characters.
- Have upper and lower case letters.
- At least 1 number
Please note, if you enter a wrong password five times, this will automatically lock your account and you will need to contact us to unlock your account.
If you are still unable to log in or if your email address has changed, please contact us.