The MCQ is an online multiple choice questionnaire. It must be taken under supervised test conditions. Candidates have 1 hour to attempt 60 multiple-choice questions. It is based largely on lesion recognition and management of a case. The current pass mark is 60%.
To be eligible to make an attempt at the MCQ, a candidate must have completed and submitted their online BCSA application form for JAG office approval. Following approval, candidates may contact their local screening centre programme manager to facilitate the MCQ.
The MCQ can be attempted a maximum of 3 times within 12 months from the date of the first
assessment. To allow for reflection and improvement between attempts, the candidate must leave 2 weeks between attempts. If a candidate does not pass the MCQ in 3 attempts, they are required to wait until 12 months have lapsed from their first attempt and will be required to reapply for the programme in full, resitting both the DOPS assessment as well as the MCQ exam.